T-shirt to Dress Tutorial Review

So, yesterday I decided to tackle my first dress! So to start, I decided to make a dress for my sister for her birthday. To do this, I used the tutorial from Elle Apparel, titled "Nautical."

Time: 3 hours (more on this below)
Cost: $25 total. $10 for the t-shirt, $15 for the fabric. You could probably do this for cheaper, but this was for a present....
Material: Well fitted Tshirt, 2 yards fabric.

Grade: A. The tutorial was truly easy to follow. Note- I made the dress 4 inches shorter than she did, but my sister and I (we're twins) could just be shorter than her.

Why did this take such a short time? well, beyond the simplicity of the pattern, I have recently acquired a serger! I got an older model one used, but it worked like a charm! Seriously, this project went faster because there was no double stitching. It was wayyy fast and easy with serger. Ok, I may be ranting, but yay!


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