Reupholstered Couch Tutorial

The Final Result

 So I've been staring at my couch, hating the 7 years of stains from dog and baby, and woah-is-me-ing on be unable to afford a new couch.  But after many of my projects have turned out well, I finally decided I could do it myself!!

Crypton (Trademark) fabric*- 16 yards- ($10yard)= 160
Thread- 4 spools- $15
Velcro- one package- $8

Total= $183

Lets discuss this for a moment. New couch could be around 1700 dollars, so this is a deal! I looked into having someone else re-upholster the couch- $800. So, what a steal! How could I NOT try?  Additionally, a note on Crypton Fabric.... I really wanted it. But at about $40-$60 a yard, that wasn't going to happen. Off to ebay! Oh ebay, thank you for saving the day! I found this pre-treated, spill-resistant fabric for $10/ yard, saving a BUNDLE. Hallelujiah!

Here we go!

Good-bye my old couch.
First, roll out fabric.
I don't think giving my measurements exactly will help you with YOUR couch, so instead of being precise, this tutorial is more of a HELP! guide.

Put pillow, STILL IN OLD CASE, over fabric, and cut roughly 3/4 of an inch around it.
Please note- do NOT take the pillow out of its old case, because it will inflate, then you won't have a "sturdy" pillow.
THEN, flip the cut-out piece around, so that the wrong-side is facing up. This is IMPORTANT, because you are making a "box." Trace again.

Do this with all your top pillows.

THEN, cut strips in fabric (mine were 4 inches), that you will use as "binding" for the pillow. Cut a lot of them. I'm sorry, I forgot to take a picture of this....

Take stripped binding fabric, and sew, right side to right side, around, making a box. See above!
Go back around and zigzag sew all around the seams, to strengthen and prevent fraying. You COULD skip this step, but I wouldn't.

This is the LAST step (already, you say?). It sounds hard, but isn't. Line up the other side of the pillow to the open-box that you already made. Start in one corner, and sew three sides of this box. Re-inforce with zigzag stitch

It should look like this.

Now. Flip inside out and stuff the inner pillows of your old pillows in!

Slip Stitch the cases closed. This takes time, but is super easy. I won't re-invent the wheel here. If you don't know how to slip-stitch, check out this tutorial on YouTube.

Halfway done!
Now, for the bottom cushions... they are EXACTLY the same as the top ones. Just have patience, and keep going! To note, for MY couch, the bottom cushions needed 6-inch binding, while the top pillows needed four-inch. So make sure you DO measure your bottoms and don't just assume.

And done! I hope this tutorial has encouraged YOU to give it a try...


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