Chalkboard Refrigerator Review

Now on to feature another one of my favorite blogs- The Handmade Home. They are truly wonderful, and very inspiring!

So the project I saw there was how to make your refrigerator into a chalkboard. I had seen this tutorial many, many places, but their description made the most sense to me.

Grade: A!!! It truly was easy to follow. I appreciated her descriptions.
Time: Hands on- 30 minutes, total- 7 hours

Lessons Learned: I have a different type of fridge than her- I took off the door handles [because I could], which I think made it look pretty slick. Additionally, I used a color other than black. If I were to do it again, I MIGHT choose gold instead, but whatever.

Extra Info:
She mentions this in her blog, but the chalkboard paint really is tintable- there are 12 colors I believe- you can kind of see them here.

Also, you might see on mine that I forgot to tape a tiny tab on the right- don't forget it on yours. :)


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