The One Hour Skirt Review

So a few weeks ago my friend Steph saw a tutorial for a hemless skirt that should take about an hour and sent it my way on Pinterest. Sure enough, One Avian Daemon's Hemless a-line skirt tutorial was a hit.

Grade: solid B+. She did a really nice job. Things got funky for me with the zipper, but her attempts were pretty solid. I did, however, need to check out you-tube, so... But other than that- flawless!

I have now made 3 skirts with this pattern, the TIME goes as follows:
1st skirt: 3 hours
2nd skirt: 2 hours 10 minutes
3rd skirt: 1 hr 15 minutes!!!!

So- awesome! Keep in mind this was my first time to add a zipper to something, so I think her one-hour skirt could actually be less than that with more experienced sewers.

TIP: If you like your skirt you made with newspaper print, TRANSFER your pattern to card stock or cardboard, and you can SO easily make the same skirt over and over- just sayin'.

Stitch 'n bitch buddy holding skirt I made for sister, my 2nd skirt was made to match!

AWESOME fabric- 3rd one I made


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