Felt Flower Yarn Wreath

So, for my first post, I wanted to highlight one of my favorite bloggers (shout out!)- See Vanessa Craft. For months I had been eyeing yarn wreaths on Etsy, but couldn't possibly bring myself to pay the 30-40 dollars those crafters were demanding. And then I saw Vanessa's post on how to make a Felt-Flower Yarn Wreath!

Here is what I think of it:
Tutorial: Right-On, A+ ... she had enough direction and pictures that you really were able to follow along. She left nothing to question.

New skills: Felt flowers! Worth the tutorial to use on other projects

Time: 1.5 hours. Maybe it's because I'm new to crafting, but this took a lonnnnng time. Well, not that long, but longer than I thought- so be warned! I think if I had not expected this to take less time, it would have been ok. So. Manage expectations- but the results are worth it.

Update (June 2012)
Here is a different one I made for my daughters bday party. Same theory, but hot-glued foam cut-outs of hippos I made. (Don't laugh at my attempt at "art")


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