DIY Lampshade review

So I saw this wonderful post from Cleverly Inspired on how to cover a lampshade with fabric. I have this really great fabric from JoAnns that I didn't have a plan for (I just loved it and bought a yard), and when I saw the post on how to cover a lampshade, I thought- AWESOME! I had recently inherited some lamps from my Nana, and I thought this could be a really great way to make them my own.

Grade: A on the tutorial. It was good, and her tutorial was VERY detailed, with lots of pics to guide you.
Time: <1 hour (sweet! And I made 2!!!!)

My additional tips:
Rather than craft glue, I used fabric glue, which stuck a little better, and was clear, which was better for the fabric I used... it also seemed a little bit "cleaner" in drying than tacky glue.

Just sayin:
I had 2 large lampshades, and I used 1 yard of fabric... so that's how much you need.


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